CGTP-IN solidária com Greve Geral na Grécia

grecia strikeA CGTP-IN enviou às organizações sindicais gregas uma mensagem de solidariedade com a Greve Geral de 24 horas que se realiza no dia 12 de Dezembro de 2015, em protesto pela aplicação do novo memorando imposto pelas instituições europeias e internacionais e pelas medidas de austeridade adoptadas pelo governo grego na decorrência do memorando e que acentuam o ataque à legislação laboral, nomeadamente o direito à greve e à protecção por despedimento e aos salários e pensões, avança para mais privatizações e para profundas alterações ao sistema de segurança social, conduzindo a um acelerado empobrecimento e regressão social dos trabalhadores e povo da Grécia. Abaixo, a mensagem, em Inglês.

Dear Comrades,

Greek workers in the public and private sector are organising a General Strike on 12 November 2015. Your protest is against the new memorandum imposed on Greek workers by the European institutions, with the Greek government disregarding its electoral commitments.

As a result, Greek workers and people are suffering from violent austerity policies, extreme poverty, and legislation that abolish many labour and social benefits. Particularly unacceptable is the worsening of the pension and social security system, attacks on the right to strike and on protection against dismissals. Also privatisation of energy and water companies is back on the agenda.

On behalf of the CGTP-IN and of the workers we represent in Portugal, we convey our most active and fraternal solidarity to all Greek trade union organisations that are calling for this 24-hour General Strike. We fully support your struggle against these brutal measures imposed on your workers and people.

In Portugal, the CGTP-IN is demonstrating today, 10 November, in front of Parliament, to demand the formation of a democratic government that reverses the violent anti- labour and anti-social policies of the troika and of the right wing coalition that prevailed in the last 4 years.

Our struggle is your struggle.

We wish you great success in your general strike

Fraternal Solidarity

CGTP-IN Executive Board

Lisbon, 10 November 2015