CGTP-IN condena assassinatos no Paquistão

PeshawarA CGTP-IN enviou hoje às centrais sindicais do Paquistão uma nota de veemente condenação do bárbaro atentado que vitimou numa escola de Peshawar mais de uma centena de alunos e professores tendo ainda ferido várias centenas de outros.
A central expressou ainda as suas sentidas condolências às famílias enlutadas e a sua solidariedade ao movimento sindical, trabalhadores e povo do Paquistão.

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the CGTP-IN and its members we convey to your trade union leadership and member organisations and through you to the Pakistani workers and people, our heartfelt sorrow and condolences for the barbaric murder of so many people, particularly young children, in Peshawar.

We strongly condemn these brutal and criminal actions, supposedly perpetrated by Taliban terrorists. Recent history in your country and in other neighbouring states has demonstrated that these and other terrorist groups are the forefront of imperialist vested interests in the region and that these criminal acts only serve the purpose of the domination of the natural resources and the geopolitical control of the area by the big Western powers and big capital.

Trade unions, workers and democratic peoples must unreservedly condemn these actions and those who are behind them.

Only the defence of democratic, peaceful and socially and economically fair societies, with labour, social and civic rights may secure a future of economic and social justice, a future of peaceful and sustainable development.

The CGTP-IN expresses its most sincere condolences, asking the PLF to pass them to the families of the deceased and wounded.

Best Regards
Augusto Praça
Executive Board